Underground Magnetics Echo 60 transmitter


Underground Magnetics Echo 60 transmitter

The Echo 60 is an extended range transmitter that offers up to ten frequencies as well as two power modes. Switch not only frequency but also power mode down hole. With a depth range of up to 190 feet in Power + Mode, the Echo 60 also offers long battery life of up to 160 hours in low power mode.

Dimensions     : 1.25″ x 19″ (3.1 cm x 4.8 cm)
Frequency        : 4kHz – 31Khz
Battery Type    : 2 Echo Cell Kits or 2 Lithium Battery Packs
Power + Mode : Power + Mode slows data update rate by half and extends date range
Battery Life       : 50 hrs or 160 hrs (normal power) 12 hrs or 40 hrs (Power + Mode)
Depth Range     : 90ft/130ft/130ft (normal power) 90ft/190ft/190ft (Power + Mode)
Roll                     : 24 Transmitter Roll Positions
Pitch                   : 0.1% resolution
Temp.                 : Under 190°F
Down Hole Echo Mode Change:  Able

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